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• 2011-04-18 • Young Dog show in Nederlands

We had a great day i the Nederlands. We went at the Young Dog Show.

We had entered 2 of our own females. Ciluca and Dezmir in the class 7-10 months.

Ciluca was placed between the 4 best, we are so proud of our girl. She do it fantastic in the showring

Dezmir with Jannie

Dezmir again with Jannie

Ciluca with Merete

Best in the group 7-10 months
Ciluca in the midle, the winner was Jan fromLegeane with his female to the right of Ciluca


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• 2011-04-13 • Good times
Our two last shows in Denmark.

Fladså Clubshow: Bull Di Alfarre BOB and Savannah von Nordniedersachen BOS

DKK National ShowTønder BOB Willsanburg Libertin Avec Bourgeoisie (Hugo) and Shadow of Oak Ciluca Tén Tén BOS

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• 2011-04-10 • Fantastic Show weekend

This weekend we went to tha danish dogue de bordeaux club show. We had a really nice day and all the dogues did it fantastic.

Bull became BOB and became Danish Champion.

In the junior female class Bull's daughter Ciluca won her class.

The results of the day for our dogues:

Bull Di Alfaree Ex1 CK Best male BOB CAC CLUBCAC
Shadow of Oak Ciluca Tén Tén Ex1 CK BF4
Shadow of Oak Dezmir Roy  Ex2 CK BF5
Shadow of Oak Cloey Tén Tén EX3
Shadow of Oak Bentley VG
Foogy Boogy De L’Etang De Mirloup VP2

Today we went to the beach and we had a nice day.

Bull and Demba


Cloey, Sara og Bjørn



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